A song in E m, I will now look into the musical analysis.
From the chorus, it goes from Em-Am-D-G-C-F#-Bsus4-B. Observe there is a 4th apart between almost every chord at the bass. (as drawn) i.e This piece of song has more or less standard chord progressions like any other pop songs which then goes to a bright, unexpected major chord ( in this case F#) before resolving to the dominant chord (B).
Chord progression goes from i- i^6- iv- VII- VII^6 - III- VI - V/V- V4-3- V
Harmonic function as such T------PD-D------------PD--------D------------D
There is a tonicisation at bar 7 ( V/V) due to the C# and A#. Followed by a suspension 4-3 in the next bar.
This, I have grouped as the first part of the chorus whereby there is 2 sentences, each having a phrase structure S-S-L (as shown)
To continue with the next part of the chorus which is rather repetitive in motif ( except the modified fragment at the end), it also have 2 other sentences structures, each having a phrase structure S-S-L (as shown). There is two passing notes (in octaves) to link from the first part to the next part, using C# and D# to link from B to E. This is a very nice technique I love to use in pop songs to enhance the texture of the music, esp when the chords are 4th apart like ive mention earlier on.
In Bar 17, there is also another suspension V^9-8, with C and A as decorative notes. Chord progression are pretty much similar as the previous.
After the chorus, there is a recurring theme from the introduction which also comes in the form as 2 sentences with each S-S-L. At the bass, there is a little fragment of a chromatic scale, or rather, the D# and C# are acting as passing chromatic notes. At the last two bars, there is another tonicisation of vii diminished 7th/V due to the A# and C#. Following that, there is a suspension of V^5-4-3.
In this piece, there is a mixture of chords and broken chords used at the bass. The rhythm is rather interesting here with many tied notes/chords and suspensions, also at the right hand melody. I personally love to play just a little of that with my added improvisations ( added notes/ diff rhythm..)as afterall, pop songs are meant to play leisurely with your own style, right
ps: I forgot to label the bar nos..so maybe abit too troublesome for you to refer to! will do it next time (: